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Brightness abounds. Be open to what might be next...

As we journey through life we experience ups and downs, excitement and despair, love and sadness, passion and fear, and a myriad of other emotional states as wonderful human beings.

I liken the journey of life to the flow of a river.

Imagine, when you are born you arrive at the source of your river of life. A pre-chosen river of life that we will...

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When you are challenged, how do you react?


Saturday 26 September - reactions to some daft actions!


Sometimes we do the craziest of things.... and then we can't see the way forward... ever been there?

I bumped the central heating timer switch and managed to turn the whole system off during a very cold spell - oops! Worse, this isn't the first time I've done that..

Oh well, let's hope it is a...

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The Joy of Trying

On my quest for a challenge and taking me out of my comfort zone, I recently went for one day intro to paddle boarding! 

It was not a success in terms of standing on the board and gliding effortlessly through the sea.  I was the first to fall off backwards and the first to fall off forwards too!  No shame! No tears!  Just a lot of...

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Bungee Jump - A Leap of Faith

This quote from ‘The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down’ by Haemin Sunim, struck me very deeply.

"There is only one way to do a bungee jump: Just leap!
The more you think the harder it becomes.
Overthinking only produces anxiety and doubt.
Stop shouting what if and just take a leap of faith." 

In 1996 I spent six weeks...

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Bravely learning new skills - grooming a schnauzer!


After only doing a very short walk yesterday.... I planned a longer one today. 

The intention was to get out really early and visit one of our favourite walks down to the packhorse bridge. I have avoided this walk as the riverside path is narrow and on a slope making it really difficult to keep a 2m distance from other people.

So, with an early...

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Keep talking and lean in to the connections and support around you


Today's theme is about connection and leaning in.

Leaning in on ourselves - finding our inner strength, pushing ourselves and realising just how strong and capable we really are.

Leaning on others - ask for support. Reach out and connect. Be honest and share what is going on. By voicing those thoughts buzzing around in your head, you are able to make...

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Death, Taxes and Mistakes...

Daniel Defoe wrote in 1726 that there are two things certain in life - death and taxes.

Over the years many writers and politicians have added to this. Today I would add procrastination and mistakes.     

death and taxes ...
procrastination and mistakes ...

I was thinking about this as I opened the brown envelope from HMRC advising of...

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What are you going to do today to make you feel good?


Are you remembering to do the basics that make you feel good?

I have mentioned before that my morning routine has been a bit disrupted during the lockdown especially the consistency of my yoga and meditation... Well today I did my minimal yoga warmups and my main kriyas that I am focusing on this year. It felt amazing!

Sometimes we know what we need but...

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What you need to do!

In another blog I wrote about how challenged we are with regards to supporting someone when they are faced with a death at this time.  In normal times it is never easy, and right now this is unprecedented.

When the news broke about this virus, it was in a distant country.  As it came closer, we might have felt very conflicted that we had felt a...

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No Right or Wrong Way

A friend called to tell me that her best friend’s mother had died in hospital alone of this dreaded virus. My friend was deeply upset.  She had known the lady since her childhood.

What was causing her most distress, was that she couldn’t at this point go to the friend, to offer comfort and support. To follow the traditional norms....

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