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What are you going to do today to make you feel good?


Are you remembering to do the basics that make you feel good?

I have mentioned before that my morning routine has been a bit disrupted during the lockdown especially the consistency of my yoga and meditation... Well today I did my minimal yoga warmups and my main kriyas that I am focusing on this year. It felt amazing!

Sometimes we know what we need but we resist, or self sabotage, and just don't allow ourselves the good things that we crave, want and need.

Do you aware of what works for you? Are you consistently allowing yourself to have these moments? Are you committed to you, and your wellbeing?

We really do feel so much better when we support our wellbeing systems - mentally, emotionally and physically

We are now on day 27 of lockdown in the UK and really needing to establish a routine that works and supports us. I know that I am.

When I have a routine I am able to create the space to be quiet and observe what else would be beneficial. For me it is looking at adding in the immune booster kriya into my daily sadhana. Why have I not even thought about this kriya before now?? Especially with everything that is happening....

"What is sadhana? It’s a committed prayer. It is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best."
-Yogi Bhajan

One of my other morning staples is to spend a few minutes outside as soon as possible after waking. The natural light is important for the body and our circadian rhythms - the flow of life.

I like to stand with my face towards the sun for a few minutes each morning.

This is so simple but so effective and a really good way to set you up for the day.

Frustrations and observations

Internet and broadband.....

Today I received a notification on my phone that I have utilised all of my data allowance on my mobile contract! Really? I've been at home for the last month. At home where I have 'super duper extra fast cable broadband' provided by Virgin Media.

Yet once again it has been so bad that my phone has been defaulting to using the mobile network data in order to keep me connected.

I've had to purchase an extra gigabite of mobile data to see me through to the end of my contract month. RUBBISH...

A reset of my router and a few technical things done - hopefully all will be fine again.

Happy Sunday!

With love


If you are finding things difficult please reach out and talk to someone. It is tough, any change is difficult.

I, and many other people around you, will do what we can to support you. Please reach out. Ask for help. Talk to others. 

There are a range of options available:

  • For those trying to find a routine in working at home
  • If you need someone to talk to, let's have a chat
  • If you are looking for some inspired reading
  • If now is the time to focus on you and what you want in life, we have plenty of time to do that..., then take a look at the various coaching options available 
  • Join in the "mycornerintime" hashtag on instagram and twitter, where I am taking a daily picture of a corner of my world and capturing the beauty of the changes
  • There will be more things over the next few days so sign up for the latest news about home based retreats, group coaching, mental resilience, stress management, home based working, and just keeping sane. 

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