This quote from ‘The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down’ by Haemin Sunim, struck me very deeply.
In 1996 I spent six weeks...
12 / 12 / 2019 and the final Full Moon of this decade of 'the teens'.
A perfect time to pause and reflect on what this last year and the last decade has provided for us.
When you are really busy and especially when you are having fun learning new things, planning and managing multiple projects and activities between home, work, family commitments and time for you, it is easy to get very scattered in thought and the activity.
I'm a master at this.!.!
And then there is nothing so good as sitting down and making a...
Today is the 1st of July 2019. What a powerful day for planning and checking in with progress to date.
Not only is it Monday, it is also the first of the month, which happens to be a new quarter and the start of the second...
Our success, or is that us is defined by our ability to keep moving, taking action and like a river flow, or roll with the punches. Good days and bad days. Supportive people and nay-sayers. Supporters and detractors.
We need to constantly keep taking action and moving towards our goals, those outcomes that we have identified as important enough to really...
We all have stress. We all need stress. Yip, really! But the level of stress is what is important. Healthy stress keeps us moving and focused, too much stress and we become overwhelmed. We are all human!
So, when do you reach the ‘too much’ level? We all have different tolerance levels but the symptoms of excess stress can be seen in many...
I know that I have struggled with this over the years. You make plans, create lists, set...
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