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Finding me again.. and doing what is important!


Tuesday 21 April - day 29 of lockdown..

Looking after you!

Stretching and yawning - do it often and this is why

  • floods your body with oxygen
  • releases the tension in your jaw and your neck
  • moves your body and allows the muscles to stretch 
  • feels amazing!
  • do a 15 second stretch and yawn every 20 minutes
  • take a break every hour for at least a minute - get up and move
  • how about a HIT (high intensity training), e.g. an on-the-spot-sprint, for 20 secs with a 10 secs recovery, e.g. jog,  and repeat.. One minute exercise sorted.

How are you spending your time?

What are you doing with your time now? I am finding it my hours, days and weeks slipping away.... Are you finding the same?

Which tasks need doing, and have you found time to do?

  • sorting out business bank issues
  • daily exercise
  • sorting out those 'procrastination tasks'

Have you given any thought to what next? 

  • what is important to you?
  • what needs to change?
  • what do you want to do more of?
  • how do you feel about your business / job?
  • what people / activities are 

How are you relaxing and taking time for your emotional wellbeing? 

This can be as simple as;

  • saying a mantra like - I am safe, I am calm, I choose to be here
  • playing music that makes you happy
  • making a cuppa
  • checking in with people who you enjoy spending time with
  • listening to shows, radio, podcasts, audiobooks etc that inspire you

My analogy to how I have been feeling...

I have said before that things have been a real rollercoaster, especially the earlier few weeks of the lockdown.

I feel like I have been walking through a marshland where my feet step on tussocks and then slip down into the bog and water.

This week I really feel different.

It feels like I have placed a board on the marshland and I am walking across on the board. It is wobbly but I am steadier and I am gaining strength and confidence as I navigate this landscape. 

How can I help you? Who can you help?

Sometimes the things that you find really easy are difficult for others. Perhaps you have skills that would be useful to others. Spend some time thinking about it.

  • I'm starting to run Zoom training for community groups, which will make a big difference to a number of the older members of our community
  • I have created meditations to provide quick breaks to relax and change your mindset
  • There are courses available to learn all sorts of new skills

Value your skills, your time and you!

Your past does not define you.
It is what has given you, your experience and skills.
Be grateful for everything that you have encountered.
Look to your future and where you would like to be.
Find a way to create the reality of your vision.
Small steps daily will help you achieve the magic that you desire.

With love


If you are finding things difficult please reach out and talk to someone. It is tough, any change is difficult.

I, and many other people around you, will do what we can to support you. Please reach out. Ask for help. Talk to others. 

There are a range of options available:

  • For those trying to find a routine in working at home
  • If you need someone to talk to, let's have a chat
  • If you are looking for some inspired reading
  • If now is the time to focus on you and what you want in life, we have plenty of time to do that..., then take a look at the various coaching options available 
  • Join in the "mycornerintime" hashtag on instagram and twitter, where I am taking a daily picture of a corner of my world and capturing the beauty of the changes
  • There will be more things over the next few days so sign up for the latest news about home based retreats, group coaching, mental resilience, stress management, home based working, and just keeping sane. 

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