The Success Formula: Chapter 15 - The Action Cycle

There are some amazing insights and words of wisdom from the contributing authors to the best seller The Success Formula.

It is an honour to be included here.




✔️ACTIVITY  >>  IMPACT✔️✔️✔️

By Lynda Fussell


Understand The Action Cycle and why it is so important to move from being a dreamer with an idea, to living the life you deserve.

Through the 7-Step Process you will learn how to move from 'that great idea' to taking Action - getting started, trial and error, learning from what works and what doesn't, measures and monitoring results.

Each step is supported with real life experiences, and the lessons learnt while walking The Camino Way in 2017.

"These steps are a cycle and, as with life, create a steady flow of ACTIVITY. So often, I see amazing people with great ideas, who are passionate but fail to keep the ACTION CYCLE going, and therefore fail to realise their true potential. We owe it to ourselves, and to the source of our talents, to be the best we can be. You’ve done the visioning now take ACTION and create a truly magical IMPACT.

#TCL47   So you want to do something different. Without a reason to do something it either won’t happen or, if it does, there is a real danger of dissatisfACTION or disappointment.

Without a plan you aren’t going anywhere.

Take ACTION and begin working to make an idea or a plan happen and be successful."


Download The Action Guide To Your Success


        Over the years I have studied with many experts and written many articles myself. In 2018 I was invited to contribute to The Success Formula. Such an honour. I am truly grateful for this amazing experience.

        My desire is to share what I have learnt, and experienced through my own life and adventures, in a way that resonates with you.

        I am fascinated with how we humans work. The latest research in neuroscience, brain retraining, emotional distress, stress and trauma makes for a very deep complimentary repertoire to my business experience.

        It is a joy to share my thoughts, in this chapter, on how to face your challenges and keep moving forwards towards your dreams.
